Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace

Little Crown of Mary Chaplet 509

$7.95 each

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The Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a pray composed by St. Louis Marie de Montfort. It is composed of 12 Hail Marys in honor of the 12 stars of Our Lady.

St. Louis De Montfort then adds to each Hail Mary a distinctive invocation in praise of Mary's excellence, power, and goodness, ending with the joyful strain, "Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! Rejoice a thousand times!"

St. De Montfort gave the Little Crown as a morning prayer to both his religious families, the Montfort Fathers and the Daughter of Wisdom. He heartily recommends it to all who lovingly consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary.

The chaplet is made with pink 8mm rondell glass beads representing the 12 Hail Mary's and purple rondell style beads for the Our Father and Glory Be.

A pamphlet with the complete prayers for this chaplet will be included.
